Life is pretty good when dogs are around. Climatic changes affect us differently. So do for dogs. Brazil is a beautiful country. There lived a kind-hearted man named Elierson Hortencio. He loved animals, especially dogs, and he knew that when it got hot outside, just like people, dogs needed a way to cool off too.

Elierson Hortenci, the man who builds a giant pool for his dogs

Image credits: lessovalmet

So, Elierson decided to do something wonderful for the 27 dogs he took care of. He built a special place for them to enjoy and cool down on hot days. This special place was a big water tank. It was like a giant pool, but it was just for the dogs!

Every day, when the sun was shining brightly, Elierson would fill the tank with cool, refreshing water. The dogs would gather around, wagging their tails with excitement. One by one, they would jump into the water, splashing and having a great time.

Elierson would watch with a big smile on his face as the dogs played and cooled off in the water. He knew that this simple act of kindness made the dogs so happy. It was his way of showing love and care for these furry friends.

Travelling with his buddies while rescuing many

Image credits: lessovalmet

The dogs were grateful for their special water tank, and Elierson was grateful for the joy and companionship they brought into his life. It was a heartwarming story of a man who went out of his way to make sure his four-legged friends stayed cool and happy on those hot Brazilian days. 

 He’s got a heart full of love for animals, and he doesn’t keep it a secret. Nope, he’s a social media superstar because he shares his amazing animal rescue stories with the whole world! 

But wait, there’s more! The thing that made everyone go “Wow!” and cheer with joy is the video of some dogs having the time of their lives in his backyard. Can you imagine how happy these dogs are? It’s like a big party for them!

The Dogs playing happily in the pool

Image credits: lessovalmet
Image credits: lessovalmet

So, no need to wait any longer. You must be curious about Elierson and his fantastic work. He’s like a superhero for dogs, making them feel loved and cared for. Wouldn’t you want to know more about this amazing guy and see how he’s making these doggos so incredibly happy? 

It’s time to check out Elierson’s social media, where all the magic happens. Let’s see how he does it and maybe even get inspired to do something kind for animals ourselves!

Elierson, the animal-loving farmer, shared his heartfelt reasons for rescuing animals. He said, “I’ve always adored animals, and my dream was to protect and care for them. I’m so happy to see my dream coming true, but there’s still a lot of work ahead, and I’m ready for it!”

He’s a true animal hero, with 27 rescued animals living with him, and he even feeds others he meets along the way. Elierson believes it’s a mission from God, and he hopes to do even more while he’s still here with us.

Image credits: lessovalmet

Feeding his friends and taking care of the rescued dogs

Image credits: lessovalmet

But we were curious about something else – does Elierson get any financial help for his mission? He shared, “Only a few of my social media followers help me, sadly, no organization is supporting me right now. But who knows, maybe with our story being shared, more people will want to help? You’re all welcome to join in!”

Since he’s rescued so many animals, we wondered if there were any rescue stories that touched his heart deeply. Elierson revealed, “Yes, there are many stories on my social media, but the one that moved me the most was about Estrelinha and Vitória.”

Elierson also told us more about the idea behind the doggy pool: “Because it’s so scorching hot here, and I saw how much the animals suffer from the heat, I decided to build this tank.”

And he is surprised by the support given by online platforms. “It was an amazing surprise to see the videos go viral, and the joy the animals felt when they splashed in the water fills me with satisfaction! Have I done something wonderful for them?”

One of the happiest man on Earth

Image credits: lessovalmet

Elierson’s story is so heartwarming, and it’s clear that his love for animals knows no bounds. Are you as inspired as we are by his dedication to making the world a better place for these furry friends?

1 Comment
  • Michele Vernet
    Michele Vernet
    March 31, 2024 at 1:42 am

    Great guy! Great doggy pool! I’m jealous!

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