Dogs are the loveliest creatures on Earth. Don’t you agree? Once a pet lover, always a pet lover. Dogs have the ability to be your family member. Once you start loving them, there is no going back. 

Dogs get attached to humans easily. Literally, they become the most important part of your house. You are going to plan your day, vacation make them the first priority. Having a pet carries lot of responsibilities. Just like you have your own kid to take care of!

There are different types of dogs. Do you only love good looking, healthy dogs? There are lot of dogs, who need human care and love. To love them and adopt them, anyone needs to have a bigger heart full of love. Those hearts deserve a big respect.

A taking puppies to beach to make them happy

We all are a part of nature. Not only humans but also animals like to feel the nature. Dogs love to be with nature. Having a walk to beach, forest or to a mountain, is a beautiful experience. 

But for some dogs exploring nature would be a challenging tasks. Specially for disabled dogs. Imagine a group of dogs, just like any other dogs, but they’re a bit different. These dogs have disabilities, which means they find it difficult to move around in places that are easy for most dogs.

For most dogs, walking on the beach or playing in the park is simple and fun. They can run, jump, and explore without any problems. But for these disabled dogs, it’s not so easy. They struggle to navigate these places because their bodies don’t work like other dogs’ bodies.

Imagine you’re a dog with a wheelchair. This wheelchair helps you move when your legs don’t work so well. But there are places that give your wheelchair a hard time.

A heart full of happiness. His eyes are sparkling with happiness

First, there’s tricky terrain. Think of it like trying to roll your wheelchair over big rocks, steep hills, or really bumpy ground. That’s not easy at all. Then, there’s dense flora. This means lots of thick plants and bushes in your way. It’s like trying to go through a jungle, and your wheelchair can get stuck. Lastly, there are bodies of water. Water can be fun, but if your wheelchair gets wet, it might not work properly, and that’s no good.

Beaches are amazing places with lots of sand and water, and most dogs absolutely love going there. They can run around in the sand and play in the water. It’s like a doggy paradise.

But for some dogs, especially those with disabilities, beaches can be a bit tricky. You see, the sand can be really soft and hard to move through, even for dogs without disabilities. And when it’s time to take a dip in the water, their wheelchairs might not work so well if they get wet.

So, as much as they’d love to join in the fun, beaches can sometimes be a no-go for these special dogs. It’s a bit sad because most dogs dream of digging in the sand and splashing in the waves. But they can still find other places to have fun and be happy, thanks to people who care for them and make sure they have a good time in different ways.

Salima Kadaoui is a very determined and caring person. She has 18 special dogs that face some challenges because they’re not as strong as most dogs. But Salima wants them to have fun at the beach, just like any other dog.

Happy Salima with her happy bunch of puppies

She started a special place called the SFT Animal Sanctuary in Tangiers, Morocco. This is where she helps lots of dogs, many of whom got hurt by cars and then got left behind. These accidents left them with lasting injuries.

The special thing about Salima is that she doesn’t give up on her dogs. She knows that if they get some help and support, they can still have joyful and meaningful lives.

On July 4th, she decided to take a few of her dogs on a little adventure. They went on a day trip to the beach. This was to show that with some care and attention, even dogs with difficulties can have a great time and enjoy life, just like any other dog. Isn’t it lovely!

One day at the beach, something incredible happened. Picture this: You’re lying on the sandy shore, maybe taking a little nap, when suddenly, you hear a lot of noise. When you look up, what do you see? Well, you see 18 dogs in wheelchairs racing each other!

These dogs come in all sizes, from tiny corgis to big German shepherds. It’s amazing to see how these special doggy wheelchairs have made a big difference in their lives. Even though they can’t use their back legs, with their wheels on, they can run just as fast as any other dog.

And here’s a funny part: One mischievous corgi took one of Salima’s shoes and played around with it before giving it back. Dogs sure know how to add a bit of humor to the day!

But the most important thing is that these dogs are proud of themselves. They teach us a valuable lesson. Sometimes, we humans compare ourselves to others and wish for things we don’t have. But these dogs show us that being themselves and making the most of what they have is something to be proud of. They’re a great example for all of us.


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